White River Junction, VT Reviews

3 Reviews

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United States / Vermont / No Metro Area / Windsor County / White River Junction / Zip Codes
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What BestPlaces Users Say about White River Junction

White River Junction, Vermont is a small town with a population of about 2,500 people. It is known for its charm and picturesque scenery, nestled in the beautiful Connecticut River Valley. The town offers a mix of rural and urban living, with a variety of outdoor activities and cultural events. Many people are drawn to this town for its slower pace of life and tight-knit community. However, there are also some drawbacks to living in White River Junction, such as limited job opportunities and harsh winters.

According to user reviews on BestPlaces.net, many people have positive things to say about living in White River Junction. Tom, a resident for over 30 years, raves about the town's welcoming community and beautiful natural surroundings. He says, "The town is full of friendly and kind people, and the surrounding mountains provide endless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts like myself."

Another reviewer, Jane, moved to White River Junction for a job opportunity and has been pleasantly surprised by the town. She shares, "I was initially hesitant to move to a small town, but I've come to love the slower pace of life here. The local farmers' market and cultural events have been a great way to get involved in the community."

However, not all reviews are positive. Mark, who has lived in White River Junction for 5 years, mentions the limited job opportunities as a major downside. He states, "The job market is very limited here, and many people end up commuting to nearby cities for work. It can be tough to find well-paying jobs in this area."

Another reviewer, Sarah, expresses her frustration with the harsh winters in White River Junction. She says, "The winters here can be brutal, with heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures. It takes some getting used to, and I have to be extra cautious while driving during the winter months."

Overall, it seems that White River Junction offers a close-knit community, beautiful natural surroundings, and a slower pace of life. However, it may not be the best place for those seeking a fast-paced career or who are not accustomed to harsh winters.

 based on 3 Reviews
Get to know White River Junction with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited White River Junction

A blip on the map - 4/19/2010
A great place for freaks, weirdos, stoners, hippies, lesbians, criminals on the run and people from MA with second homes. Ever wonder where Shaggy from Scooby doo lives this is the place.

Yes the crime level is low but drugs are a big problem here that they don't report.

There are no Jobs here just take a look in the local paper on a Sunday "The Valley News".

Winters are brutal if you don't like the cold forget coming here, if you don't do the winter sports thing like Skiing you will spend 3 months + stuck inside.

House prices are very high for whats here also the same with utilities.

Near by Hanover NH is great if you're a poser with extra cash.

I can't wait to get out of here and back to civilization.
Good riddens WRJ.
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Great place to be an unemployed stoner or on disab - 2/1/2010
WRJ is a void just like Lebanon. Simply put, if you want to live near NOTHING and pay just for the luxury of living 'near' a road in Hanover, NH because "Dartmouth" is there, please come here.

#1--There aren't any jobs here.
#2--You see the weirdest people walking around. Half the people in WRJ are either unemployed or stoners or both.
#3--Hang near the Courthouse downtown and see those who are down and out.

There is very little to do here. Drugs are 'all over' and you can look at the mountains and count your pennies.

The recession has hit this place hard. The few jobs in the Upper Valley are non-existent. People will tell you to be glad you work in a supermarket with a degree.

Prices are high thanks to Dartmouth/Dartmouth and the students/professors/medical staff.

What do you get for such high rents/house prices?

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New England - 3/31/2009
Great New England town with access to hanover, NH and artmouth college. Terrific medical care and beautiful surroundings. Long Read More

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